Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kool Aid Experiment: Part 2

Okay, so I had a tie between combo 1 and 3 and ended up trying 3 (since I didn't know if I could pull off red). I also over dyed a skein of Trekking in yellow and orange. So here are all the pics and a description of what happened. Let's say things didn't turn out as expected!!

Here is the Trekking XXL that I overdyed. First yellow all over then orange in spots.

This is the Trekking after dying, while it is cooling.

And then with the variegated, things didn't go as planned. I read in several places (and some of your comments) that purple was hard to do. But I had heard mixing flavors could lead to a decent purple. So the plan was dye a pink all over and then do one end purple and the middle a brighter pink. This was to be my variegated. So the pink and purple went alright. Thought the purple got a bit carried away and the yarn sucked it up like crazy. At this stage things were more marbled (not intended, but liked and I was forewarned by Rowena that this would occur). So I liked the yarn here and should have stopped. The way the yarn sucked up the purple should have told me things would end badly.

So I didn't listen to my instinct yelling stop, I was having too much fun. And I tried doing a darker pink middle section. I put the yarn in for a second (I swear!!) to see what would happen and didn't like it at all. So I dyed the majority of it the red/hot pink. So the end effect was more of a tye dyed reddish pink and purple. I think next time I will try hand painting any 'variegated' yarn ideas I come up with.

Overall, I learned a lot. I learned that lighter colors need more than one pack to 50gm of yarn. That variegated isn't good unless you do a color study or hand paint. That overdyeing a yarn can be fun. And that you really can't predict the end results. Or at least I can't. Those of you who do this for more than fun and with more experience can...

I will post more pics when the hanks dry. And I will be doing much more yarn dyeing soon!! It was so much fun. Even if I did get carried away.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kool Aid Experiment: Part One

I know I have been absent for awhile. I have been blogging over at my Hogwarts site this summer. However fall term is coming to an end in few weeks so you will be seeing more of me here.
Today, I am totally obsessed with the idea of dying my own yarn. I ordered some Knit Picks Bare Superwash in the fingering weight and picked up some colors of Kool Aid. I have been reading and watching videos about this process and am feeling confident that I can do this!! Part two of this experiment will be conducted later this week, so stay tuned for the dying process. Right now I want to take a little poll on which colors you want to see me dye. Here are your choices:
Combo 1 - Yellow, Orange, Red
Combo 2 - Pink and Blue
Combo 3 - Light Pink to a Purple Variegated
Be sure to cast your vote by noon tomorrow. Since I will be dying the yarn as soon as the mailman brings the yarn!!!