Then this morning, when I went to take a shower, I noticed a soft spot on the floor. Yes, water is getting in under the flooring in one corner by the shower. So, I am freaking out thinking that the whole floor needs replaced. I go in the basement to see if there is a water spot, where the water got all the way through the floor. Fortunately, there is not any water coming through the floor, but I notice something else. Lint all over the back of the crawl space. And a piece of venting hanging down. I think 'where is THIS coming from?' The dryer of course. Which we just replaced no more than 3 months ago. Thank God the house hasn't burnt down before now.
So now I have calls to make about the shower and the bathroom floor, plus the dryer vent. So, what happens... my phone line goes out! Thought the problem was fixed last year when the phone line went out anytime you used it (or so it seemed).
Well, all I have to say is when it rains around here, it really does pour!! UGH!!!
On the bright side, I scored some beautiful Brown Sheep Lanaloft yesterday. 3 skeins of Turquoise Magic (it's a bit more on the green side than the picture shows). But I can't decide if I should use it for a felted bag or a scarf of some sort (maybe a baby clapotis)? What do you think?
Whatever you make it should be very self-indulgent. You deserve it!